Interests: Investments, International Finance, Emerging Markets.


Current Working Papers

Sovereign risk premia and global macroeconomic conditions

(with Adelphe Ekponon and Alexandre Jeanneret) Online Appendix



Semi-parametric learning of structured temporal point processes

(with Gang Xu, Ming Wang, Jiangze Bian, Tim Burch, Hui Huang, Jingfei Zhang, and Yongtao Guan)
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2020.

The costs of sovereign default: Evidence from the stock market

(with Vidhi Chhaochharia)
Review of Financial Studies,  2018.

Official FX interventions through derivatives

(with Emanuel Kohlscheen)

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2014.


SOX, corporate transparency, and the cost of debt

(with Gennaro Bernile and Fred Hood)

Journal of Banking and Finance, 2014.

Analyst coverage, information, and bubbles

(with Jiangze Bian and Tim Burch) Online Appendix 

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 2013.


"Sell in May and go away" just won't go away

(with Vidhi Chhaochharia and Michael Fuerst)

Financial Analysts Journal, 2013.

Can broker-dealer client surveys provide signals for debt investing?

(with Brian Barrett) Raw data example Signals data

Journal of Banking and Finance, 2011.

Information immobility and foreign portfolio investment

(with Vidhi Chhaochharia)

Review of Financial Studies, 2010.

A model of asset pricing under country risk

Journal of International Money and Finance, 2009.

Trading imbalances, predictable reversals, and cross-stock price pressure

(with Charles Chang and Mark Seasholes)

Journal of Financial Economics, 2008.

Market timing with Cay

(with Ilona Babenko and Yuri Tserlukevich)

Journal of Portfolio Management, 2006.



Old Working Papers

Is there a value premium among large stocks?

(with Vidhi Chhaochharia)

The impact of operating leases and purchase obligations on credit market prices

(with Elaine Henry and Dj Nanda)

Pessimistic foreign investors and turmoil in emerging markets: The case of Brazil in 2002

(with Emanuel Kohlscheen) Goldman Sachs' Lulameter   New York Times article  The Economist article   Gary Becker's article   Lula's Letter to the Brazilian People


Other Publications