Nguyen Le Thanh, Joseph Johnson, and Michael Tsiros (2024), "Unlimited
Testing: Lets Test Your Emails With AI" Marketing Science,
43 (2), 419-439.
Villanova, Daniel, Anand V. Bodapati,
Nancy M. Puccinelli, Michael Tsiros, Ronald C. Goodstein, Tarun Kushwaha,
Rajneesh Suri, Henry Ho, Renee Brandon, Cheryl Hatfield (2021), "Retailer
Marketing Communications in the Digital Age: Getting the Right Message to the
Right Shopper at the Right Time, "Journal of Retailing, 97 (1), 116-132.
Michael and Caglar Irmak (2020), "Lowering
the Minimum Donation Amount Increases Consumer Purchase Likelihood of Products
Associated with Cause-Related Marketing Campaigns," Journal
of Marketing Research, Forthcoming
Michael and Allan Chen (2017), "Convexity Neglect in Consumer Decision Making" Journal
of Marketing Behavior, 2 (4), 253-290.
Fajardo, Tatiana M., Jiao Zhang, and
Michael Tsiros (2016), "The
Contingent Nature of the Symbolic Associations of Visual Design Elements: The
Case of Brand Logo Frames," Journal
of Consumer Research, 43 (December), 549-566.
Fajardo, Tatiana M., Jiao Zhang, and
Michael Tsiros (2016), "The
Contingent Nature of the Symbolic Associations of Visual Design Elements: The
Case of Brand Logo Frames," Journal
of Consumer Research,
Juliano Laran and Michael Tsiros
(2013), "An Investigation of the
Effectiveness of Uncertainty in Marketing Promotions Involving Free Gifts," Journal of Marketing, 77 (1), 112-123.
Chen, Allan, Howard
Marmorstein, Michael Tsiros, and Akshay Rao (2012), "When
More is Less: The Impact of Base Value Neglect on Consumer Preferences for
Bonus Packs over Price Discounts," Journal of Marketing, 76 (4), 64-77.
Aristeidis, Katerina Pramatari, and Michael Tsiros (2012), "Effects of
Expiration Date-Based Pricing on Brand Image Perceptions," Journal of Retailing, 88 (1), 72-87
Anne, Michael Tsiros, and Dhruv Grewal (2012), "Understanding the
Co-Creation Effect: When Does Collaborating with Customers Provide a Lift to
Service Recovery?" Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, 40 (6), 771-790.
Ashwani, Allan Chen, Michael Tsiros, and Mona Srivastava (2012),
"Buyer-Seller Relationships: A Boundary Condition of the Impact
Bias," Marketing Letters,
23 (1), 31-45.
Tsiros, Michael (2009), "Releasing the Regret Lock: Consumer Response to New
Alternatives after a Sale" Journal of Consumer Research, 35
(April), 1039-1059.
Verhoef, Peter, Katherine
Lemon, A. Parasuraman, Anne Roggeveen, Michael Tsiros, and Leonard Schlesinger
(2009), "Customer Customer
Experience Creation: Determinants, Dynamics and Management Strategies," Journal of Retailing, 85 (1), 31-41.
Dhruv, Anne Roggeveen, and Michael Tsiros (2009), "Service
Failure and Customer Compensation" Empirical
Generalizations about Marketing Impact: What we have learned from academic
research, Marketing Science Institute Relevant Knowledge series, edited by
Dominique Hanssens.
Tsiros, Michael, William T.
Ross, and Vikas Mittal (2009), "How
Commitment Influences the Termination of B2B Exchange Relationships," Journal of Service Research, 11
(3), 263-276.
Tsiros, Sorin Sorescu, Alina Sorescu, and Allan Chen (2009), "Convexity Neglect and Abnormal Stock Returns" in Marketing
Strategy Meets Wall Street
Grewal, Dhruv,
Anne Roggeveen, and Michael Tsiros (2008), "The Effect of Compensation on
Repurchase Intentions in Service Recovery," Journal of Retailing, 84 (4), 424-434. Winner of the 2010 William R. Davidson Best
paper award.
Following a Price
Promotion: Return Prices All at Once or a Little at a Time, Temple
University, November 2008
Tsiros (2008), "A Deeper Look at the Mix (Price + Promotion): When 1 + 1 ≠ 2 and
Less is More!," Direct Marketing Association, Senior Summit, October 2008
Allan, Akshay Rao, Howard Marmorstein, and Michael Tsiros, "The Price is Wrong: Numeracy and Mental Accounting with
Percentage Changes" Behavioral
Pricing Conference, September 2008
Tsiros (2008), "Designing Stores
Operations and Delivering Service," in Thought Leadership Conference: Customer Experience
Management in Retailing, May 2008
Regret Release:
The Role of Promotion Comparability on Choice Deferral, Temple University, April
Michael, and Carrie Heilman (2005), "The Effect of Expiration Dates and
Perceived Risks on Purchasing Behavior in Grocery Store Perishable Categories, Journal of Marketing, 69 (2),
Mittal, Vikas, William T. Ross, and
Michael Tsiros (2002), "The Role of Issue
Mittal, Vikas, Pankaj Kumar, and
Michael Tsiros (1999), "Attribute-Level Performance, Satisfaction, and
Behavioral Intentions Over Time: A Consumption-System Approach" Journal
of Marketing, 63 (2), 88-101.
D'Rozario, Denver and
Johnson, Rose L., Michael Tsiros,
and Richard A. Lancioni (1995), "Measuring Service Quality: A Systems
Approach," Journal of Services Marketing , 9 (5), 6-19.